All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. II Timothy 3: 16-17 RSV “Mom’s taking out her maps again,” my children would groan when we were preparing for a trip. I would spread them out on the dining room table to show them the states we would go through on our trip. In addition, I wanted to show them some of the interesting sights we would see along the way. However, they weren’t always interested in the journey itself. They were concerned with the destination--the beaches or theme parks. But I continued to remind them that they could enjoy both. These days we travel with GPS assistance or computerized map sites, but travel is still the same. It is important to know the details of our trip beforehand to reach our destination in a timely and pleasurable way. In the same manner, the Bible is our map of life. It points us toward salvation’s road through Jesus that leads to eternal life with God. However, sometimes we are more impressed with the destination than the journey. We must remember that the journey not only prepares us for our eternity, but also gives us wonderful spiritual insights and fellowship with God on the way. To be all that He wants us to be here and to prepare for heaven, we must use God’s word to direct our journey. Today, enjoy the journey in him. Thank you, God, that You provided the Bible for us. Remind us each morning to check Your Word before getting on life’s road. Thank You, too, that we have a glorious destination to look forward to, if we know You.
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. I Peter 5:7 NIV I am not good at casting a fishing line. It might take me several tries before I hear the click, click, click, and then plop, as the sinker, hook, and bobber fall into the water. But whether I am fishing by a quiet lake or in salty surf, the relaxation that comes while I wait patiently for the fish to bite is a welcome relief from the busyness of life. Problems are cast out with the line, and deadlines drown in the depth of the water. God wants us to feel as relaxed and assured about casting our cares onto Him, as we do when casting a fishing line. Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary defines casting as “causing to move or send forth by throwing.” God promises that we can send forth our problems, sadness, and difficulties to Him. We can then relax in His Presence, knowing that He is at work for our good. Just as He taught His disciples to cast out and receive unto themselves a great yield, He will provide blessings as we cast our anxieties onto Him. What else could we ask for than for a wonderful day of fishing with Jesus? Dear God, today I choose to cast all of my anxieties and cares upon You, knowing that You care about me. Thank You for the peace that You send when we trust in You. |
I love to walk with and write about our great God and my Savior, Jesus Christ. Now in my senior years, I can say, looking back at the joys, difficulties, and challenges of life, "I know that my Redeemer lives," (Job 19:25 NIV). I am a retired teacher and author of many published articles, and contributor to two books--God Still Meets Needs (Littleton)and Grandparenting Through Obstacles: Overcoming Family Challenges to Reach Your Grandchildren for Christ (Wilburn,Butts). I am also author of In God's Creation: Devotions for the Outdoors and In God's Creation: Devotions for the Beach. Both books are available on Amazon and Archives
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